Discovery PitStop is a learning environment where children’s physical, emotional, and intellectual needs are a priority. We offer Infant, Toddler and Preschool programs for children between 4 months and 4 years of age. Complete an inquiry form below to receive information about enrollment.
Infant PitStop
4 months to 12 months
Toddler PitStop
12 months to 2 years
ool PitStop
2-4 years Old
Enrichment providers may email us at to reserve our space for your class or event.
Read our feature in the Mommy Poppin's Article: How to Pick a Daycare That You Actually Love
Read more about our program on NYMetroParents
Read our feature article in NY Magazine's "Space of The Week"
Our Philosophy
We ensure that children in our care are safe, healthy, and engaged in appropriate learning tasks that promote academic and socio-emotional growth.
PitStop Nutrition
Nutrition education is a vital part of a comprehensive health education program and empowers children with knowledge and skills to make healthy food and beverage choices.
Exceptional, Authentic Discovery PitStop Curriculum
Current research has proven that discovery learning paired with direct instruction, appropriate scaffolding, and feedback yields significant results.