Discovery PitStop is an early learning environment for infants to preschoolers. We Have two locations one on the corner of Vanderbilt and Gates avenue, and the second on the corner of Vanderbilt and Myrtle avenue, our facility is easily accessible to residents of Clinton Hill, Fort Greene, Bedford Stuyvesant, and Downtown Brooklyn neighborhoods. The school was founded by a husband and wife team that raised their own children in the community. Discovery PitStop’s Director has over 10 years experience educating the youth of the Brooklyn Community. We look forward to working with all families to maintain an environment where their children can successfully meet their developmental goals.
Curriculum & Philosophy
Our curriculum is aimed at nurturing the whole child. We ensure that children in our care are safe, healthy, and engaged in appropriate learning tasks that promote academic and socio-emotional growth.
Current research has proven that discovery learning paired with direct instruction, appropriate scaffolding, and feedback yields significant results. Our teaching philosophy at Discovery PitStop places the teachers in the role of facilitators as they set specific learning goals and work with children to meet these goals at their own pace.
Teachers engage students in purposeful guided tasks, exploratory projects, and group conversations during Learning Units. Mastery of learning goals is assessed during one on one sessions between teachers and students as well as finished products presented by students at the end of each Unit.
All learning activities require conversation and cooperation. Students are encouraged to use checklists and child friendly rubrics to self monitor as they progress through Learning Units. This process fosters autonomy and accountability encouraging children to steer their own learning.
Each classroom at Discovery PitStop has a teacher that is fluent in Spanish. New vocabulary is introduced in both English and Spanish. Classrooms are labeled in both languages and libraries feature books in Spanish as well. Teachers develop their weekly lesson plans to incorporate Spanish language into at least 50% of activities.
Our Story
Christopher and Linique McCoy are the owners of Discovery PitStop Inc. The corporation was founded in an effort to bring quality childcare and early education to the neighborhood that they call home. As parents of two young children, they have become experts on creating child friendly spaces where children can thrive. It was their goal to create an environment where children could learn, play, and celebrate their triumphs!
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After-School Available For The 2023-2024 School Year. Email For Enrollment Information!

Director Message
Linique McCoy is the Director of Discovery PitStop. She has been a resident of the community for her entire life. An alumni of Brooklyn Technical High School, she recalls walking past Vanderbilt Avenue on her daily walk home from school. It has been her dream to grow a business in her community. Linique is a NYS Certified teacher with over 10 years teaching experience at the local public schools. She is also a certified Literacy Specialist for children birth through grade 6. She holds Bachelor’s degrees from Hofstra University in Elementary Education and Psychology and a Master's degree in Literacy and Cognition from St Joseph’s College. She has a passion for teaching and learning and is excited to provide exemplary service to her community.